Our Approach
About Jennifer
Jennifer is a Reiki Master, certified in TFT, EFT, Kundalini Yoga, and is currently enrolled to gain her Master of Business Administration. She is dedicated to creating a world in which no one experiences PMS symptoms and everyone feels connected and women experience their natural cycle with power, easy and joy.
Our Story
Mastering My Moon
developed from a culmination of years of hormone balancing coaching, cycle syncing, and moon phase relevance discovery. The coinciding 28-day moon and menstrual cycles is not a coincidence..it is that we are all one in this universe. When we learn to master our moons we have the ultimate power to live successfully in harmony and balance.
Upcoming Goodness..
Do you want to be happy, healthy, balanced, and excelling in life? Syncing everything you do with your cycle and the moon is that blissful zone..email to be on the waitlist of our next Mastering My Moon program.