Unlocking the Wealth of the Universe TODAY!

Hello you magical beings!

The universe is overflowing with abundance and wealth, just waiting to be tapped into. This amazing active meditation is the key to unlocking that potential, not just for you, but for all of us! While “Invoking the Wealth of the Universe” might sound challenging, together we can absolutely achieve it! 🪄🤍🪽

What you’ll get:

  • The Wealth of The Universe
  • Perfectly sculpted arms
  • Gained confidence
  • Powerful mind
  • Loss or at least minimized ego
  • Magical manifesting powers
  • Natural kundalini high

What it will take:

40 days of 16 minutes per day commitment 🙏🏼 (I find if I do my meditation in the morning my WHOLE day goes better!)

Starting TODAY!!  👍🏼


What we will do is have a group check-in on Invoking the Wealth of the Universe WhatsApp group (direct link to the group when you click). On this daily check,-in we will write the day and a symbol each day as a way to stay on track and show that we’ve accomplished!:

  • Monday 💸
  • Tuesday 💸💸
  • Wednesday  💸💸💸
  • Day 10 we’ll use  🌎
  • So day 11 will look like:  Thursday 🌎💸

The idea is that if you miss a day you have to start back at day 1! This is another good reason to get it done in the morning! If I don’t get it done in the morning I stress until I’ve accomplished, but up to you, and best not to stress.

How to do it:

Invoke the Wealth of the Universe with the “Sobagh Kriya”

Video Tutorial:

Practice Daily with Us:  (starts RIGHT away so be ready)

Or use the audio file to play to easily transition into each posture: (timed out 3 min, 3 min, 3 min, 1 min, 1 min, 1 min, 3 min.)

Written directions:

The Sobagh Kriya is a five-part kriya. (15 MINUTE VERSION that we’re doing for our 40-day practice!)

Each part must be practiced for an equal amount of time of 3 minutes.

Meditation #1 (3 MINUTES)

To become rich and prosperous with wealth and values is to have the strength to come through. It means transmissions from your brain and the power of your intuition can immediately tell you what to do. By practicing this meditation, you will be in a position to immediately change gears. If you need to go in reverse, you can go in reverse. If you need to go forward, you can go forward.

Hand Position  “moon mound” (Indicates outer side of the hand along the small finger.) This side of the hand along the index finger is called Jupiter. Put the thumbs under the index fingers. (Thumbs cross below the hands, with the right thumb under the left.) I hit the Moon; I hit Jupiter. You are thinking, “What is this going to do?” This is going to straighten your head out.

Chant with Tantric Har with each movement. Alternate hitting the moon sides and the Jupiter sides of the hands together at the level of the heart center. Eyes should be nine-tenths dosed, focusing on the tip of the nose. 

This meditation stimulates the mind: the Moon center and the Jupiter. When Jupiter and the Moon come together, there is no way in the world you will not create wealth. Not money as money is a common word merely a medium. TRUE WEALTH! It’ll come to you!

Meditation #2 (3 MINUTES)

There are times when you are depressed, there are times you are impressed. When you are depressed, you do the wrong things. When you are impressed, you don’t use your intuition. The goal is to be balanced.

Stretch your arms up sixty degrees. Open your fingers, spreading them widely. The fingers have to be totally hard. If you do it correctly, you will get the results. In rhythm with the same Tantric Har tape from Meditation #1 but without chanting out loud, cross your arms alternating right over left and then left over right, still keeping the fingers stretched open.

Alternating: Right in front, left behind. Fingers spread wide, arms open. Left in front, right behind.

Meditation #3 (3 MINUTES)

Put both of your hands in fists with your thumb under your fingers and press as hard as you can, like you are going to squeeze the blood out of them. Press, press, press hard. Arms up at sixty degrees.

Move the arms in small backward circles. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze hard. With each circle, you make with your arms chant “God.” Chant “God” powerfully from the navel.

The word “God” has three letters: “G,” which generates; “O,” which organizes; and “D,” which delivers and destroys. They are three sounds: G-0-D. God. When “God” is chanted from here (points to his navel point), then God can hear. When you chant “God” from the mouth, it makes no difference. He doesn’t even hear it. For this meditation chant when you squeeze your id band in your hand really hard and circle powerfully. The entire spine shakes. Sometimes you’ll find you are lifting yourself from the ground. Remember to squeeze tight and stretch it, tight, tight, as tight as you can.

Meditation #4 (3 MINUTES TOTAL 1 MIN monotone, 1 MIN strong whisper, 1 MIN whistle)

1 MINUTE: Chant Har Haray Haree, Wahe Guru in a low monotone voice.  Deep—from the base. Cut down your bad karmas from forever. A deeper sound from the navel. Try it with honesty.

1 MINUTE:  Strongly whisper Har Haray Haree, Wahe Guru. Use the prana (breath). Burn any disease. Change the metabolism.

1 MINUTE: Whistle Har Haray Haree, Wahe Guru.  It creates a balance. When you whistle, neutralize your energy like you are calling on Infinity. Whistle to call God to come in.

Meditation #5 (3 MINUTES)

Put your arms at shoulder level, left hand under, right over. Breathe long and deep. Be sure hands remain parallel to the ground, don’t let them fall.


Keep your spine straight; sit correctly. Breathe one breath a minute: 20 seconds to inhale, 20 seconds to hold, 20 seconds to exhale. Breathe consciously one breath a minute for three minutes.


This is the complete Sobagh Kriya set. You are POWERFUL beyond belief and now you have invoked the wealth of the universe!!! 

If there is a misfortune written by the will of God, by doing this set you will make it into good fortune. I'm not saying "man-made." I'm saying if God Himself has 
written that you shall live under misfortune, by doing Sobagh Kriya you can turn your misfortune into prosperity, good fortune, and good luck.

This is the most sacred and absolutely most powerful kriya of Kundalini Yoga. And it is in parts. 
You can do each part for either 3 or 11 minutes, not more. If you do 3 minutes, do3 minutes, 3 minutes, 3 minutes, 3 minutes, and 3 minutes. If you do 11 minutes, do 11, 11, 11, 11, 11. That's the time. 
And do not exceed. 
So, I'd advise you to move very cautiously, very slowly. 
Affectionately practice it.

Taught by Yogi Bhajan on 6/21/96 at Summer Solstice

© The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan


Let’s Unlock the Wealth of The Universe…TOGETHER! 40-Day-Blissipline

Hello, my fellow goddess! 🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏼‍♀️🧘🏽‍♀️🧘🏾‍♀️🧘🏿‍♀️

You know there is so much abundance and wealth available to you and everyone thanks to our wonderful universe right?

Well, this POWERFUL active meditation is what unlocks it for YOU and ALL.

Invoking the Wealth of The Universe is NOT the easiest thing to gain, but together I am confident we can do it!

What you’ll get:

  • The Wealth of The Universe
  • Perfectly sculpted arms
  • Gained confidence
  • Powerful mind
  • Loss or at least minimized ego
  • Magical manifesting powers
  • Natural kundalini high

What it will take:

40 days of 16 minutes per day commitment 🙏🏼 (I find if I do my meditation in the morning my WHOLE day goes better!)

Start on this upcoming Monday, June 3, 2019 👍🏼


What we will do is have a group check-in on Invoking the Wealth of the Universe WhatsApp group (direct link to the group when you click). On this daily check,-in we will write the day and a symbol each day as a way to stay on track and show that we’ve accomplished!:

  • Monday 💸
  • Tuesday 💸💸
  • Wednesday  💸💸💸
  • Day 10 we’ll use  🌎
  • So day 11 will look like:  Thursday 🌎💸

The idea is that if you miss a day you have to start back at day 1! This is another good reason to get it done in the morning! If I don’t get it done in the morning I stress until I’ve accomplished, but up to you, and best not to stress.

How to do it:

Invoke the Wealth of the Universe with the “Sobagh Kriya”

Video Tutorial:

Practice Daily with Us:  (starts RIGHT away so be ready)

Or use the audio file to play to easily transition into each posture: (timed out 3 min, 3 min, 3 min, 1 min, 1 min, 1 min, 3 min.)

Written directions:

The Sobagh Kriya is a five-part kriya. (15 MINUTE VERSION that we’re doing for our 40-day practice!)

Each part must be practiced for an equal amount of time of 3 minutes.

Meditation #1 (3 MINUTES)

To become rich and prosperous with wealth and values is to have the strength to come through. It means transmissions from your brain and the power of your intuition can immediately tell you what to do. By practicing this meditation, you will be in a position to immediately change gears. If you need to go in reverse, you can go in reverse. If you need to go forward, you can go forward.

Hand Position  “moon mound” (Indicates outer side of the hand along the small finger.) This side of the hand along the index finger is called Jupiter. Put the thumbs under the index fingers. (Thumbs cross below the hands, with the right thumb under the left.) I hit the Moon; I hit Jupiter. You are thinking, “What is this going to do?” This is going to straighten your head out.

Chant with Tantric Har with each movement. Alternate hitting the moon sides and the Jupiter sides of the hands together at the level of the heart center. Eyes should be nine-tenths dosed, focusing on the tip of the nose. 

This meditation stimulates the mind: the Moon center and the Jupiter. When Jupiter and the Moon come together, there is no way in the world you will not create wealth. Not money as money is a common word merely a medium. TRUE WEALTH! It’ll come to you!

Meditation #2 (3 MINUTES)

There are times when you are depressed, there are times you are impressed. When you are depressed, you do the wrong things. When you are impressed, you don’t use your intuition. The goal is to be balanced.

Stretch your arms up sixty degrees. Open your fingers, spreading them widely. The fingers have to be totally hard. If you do it correctly, you will get the results. In rhythm with the same Tantric Har tape from Meditation #1 but without chanting out loud, cross your arms alternating right over left and then left over right, still keeping the fingers stretched open.

Alternating: Right in front, left behind. Fingers spread wide, arms open. Left in front, right behind.

Meditation #3 (3 MINUTES)

Put both of your hands in fists with your thumb under your fingers and press as hard as you can, like you are going to squeeze the blood out of them. Press, press, press hard. Arms up at sixty degrees.

Move the arms in small backward circles. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze hard. With each circle, you make with your arms chant “God.” Chant “God” powerfully from the navel.

The word “God” has three letters: “G,” which generates; “O,” which organizes; and “D,” which delivers and destroys. They are three sounds: G-0-D. God. When “God” is chanted from here (points to his navel point), then God can hear. When you chant “God” from the mouth, it makes no difference. He doesn’t even hear it. For this meditation chant when you squeeze your id band in your hand really hard and circle powerfully. The entire spine shakes. Sometimes you’ll find you are lifting yourself from the ground. Remember to squeeze tight and stretch it, tight, tight, as tight as you can.

Meditation #4 (3 MINUTES TOTAL 1 MIN monotone, 1 MIN strong whisper, 1 MIN whistle)

1 MINUTE: Chant Har Haray Haree, Wahe Guru in a low monotone voice.  Deep—from the base. Cut down your bad karmas from forever. A deeper sound from the navel. Try it with honesty.

1 MINUTE:  Strongly whisper Har Haray Haree, Wahe Guru. Use the prana (breath). Burn any disease. Change the metabolism.

1 MINUTE: Whistle Har Haray Haree, Wahe Guru.  It creates a balance. When you whistle, neutralize your energy like you are calling on Infinity. Whistle to call God to come in.

Meditation #5 (3 MINUTES)

Put your arms at shoulder level, left hand under, right over. Breathe long and deep. Be sure hands remain parallel to the ground, don’t let them fall.


Keep your spine straight; sit correctly. Breathe one breath a minute: 20 seconds to inhale, 20 seconds to hold, 20 seconds to exhale. Breathe consciously one breath a minute for three minutes.


This is the complete Sobagh Kriya set. You are POWERFUL beyond belief and now you have invoked the wealth of the universe!!! 

If there is a misfortune written by the will of God, by doing this set you will make it into good fortune. I'm not saying "man-made." I'm saying if God Himself has 
written that you shall live under misfortune, by doing Sobagh Kriya you can turn your misfortune into prosperity, good fortune, and good luck.

This is the most sacred and absolutely most powerful kriya of Kundalini Yoga. And it is in parts. 
You can do each part for either 3 or 11 minutes, not more. If you do 3 minutes, do3 minutes, 3 minutes, 3 minutes, 3 minutes, and 3 minutes. If you do 11 minutes, do 11, 11, 11, 11, 11. That's the time. 
And do not exceed. 
So, I'd advise you to move very cautiously, very slowly. 
Affectionately practice it.

Taught by Yogi Bhajan on 6/21/96 at Summer Solstice

© The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan






Meditation for Courage, Prosperity AND to Remove ALL Obstacles

This meditation is powerful and recommended anytime you feel stuck, need to be more grounded, and want to attract prosperity. This is a classic Kundalini Yoga meditation for courage, fearlessness, and a strong aura and radiant body.  This mediation really aids in giving ourselves the strength to deal with our life challenges.
This meditation has 40 sounds, which together balance the 5 tattvas (air, water, fire, earth, and ether), the 7 chakras and the arch line. This mantra can penetrate into anything and help avoid misfortune. It has the power to break through any resistance or obstacles. It is sacred but it is not secret. This meditation was given by Yogi Bhajan to be successful during these challenging times and to deal with the intensity of the energy during the shift to the Aquarian Age.
Prosperity and Presence:
This meditation was also given as a prosperity meditation. There is one basic requirement for prosperity and manifesting ‘You have to be home when the postman comes.’ In other words, you have to be grounded in your body on Planet Earth and not floating around in the ethers. Pumping your navel in this meditation can keep you present. But if you have any propensity for being ungrounded and spaced out while meditating and in life, then do this mediation in archer pose. 5-11 minutes on each side. You will become super present, strong, and magnetic. If you resist the thought, then this meditation in archer pose is for you!
Directions: Before chanting, pick one life challenge that seems impossible to figure out and/or difficult to deal with and place it in your heart while you chant this mantra. Let the energy infuse the situation. While chanting focus on the mantra and its energetic effects. Pumping the navel with each HAR will keep you present in your body, but you can get totally absorbed into the sounds and feel very refreshed afterward. You may be surprised how you feel about your current situation.
Sit in easy pose with the hands in Gyan mudra (thumb and forefinger touching) on the knees, elbows straight. Chant this mantra 11-31 minutes in the morning before starting your day to program your psyche for success and courage, to uplift your spirits, to create an aura of invincibility, and a super strong radiant body.  You may find that 11 minutes is not enough. You want to keep going and get rejuvenated by the sounds. 15 or 22 minutes is good and 31 minutes is very satisfying and empowering.Repeat before each of the eight aspects of the Divine HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR


Pump your navel center with each HAR. Be sure to touch the tip of the tongue to the upper palate when you are making the ‘R’ of HAR and the ‘N’ in the other mantras. The ‘R’ will the be enunciated correctly to stimulate the pineal and pituitary glands and awaken the frontal lobe and neutral mind.

Chant in a monotone, enunciating clearly each syllable. Do not mumble, move your mouth to make the sounds.

HAR is a manifesting mantra. The other eight mantras are aspects of the Divine. Chanting HAR before each aspect pulls that energy into our physical and subtle bodies.

HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR GOBINDE—Go bin day–Sustainer

HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR MUKUNDE—Moo kun day–Liberator

HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR UDARE—Oo dar ay–Enlightener

HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR APARE—Uh par ay–Infinite

HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR HARING—Har e ung–Destroyer

HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR KARING—Car e ung–Creator

HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR NIRNAME—Nir na may–Nameless

HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR AKAME—A ka may—Desireless

Although many times I experience a myriad of ideas and openings for my challenge during the process it is said it’s best to sit quietly when finished and feel the effects of the meditation in your physical body, aura, and radiant body. Consolidate, contain, and radiate love. Be available for intuitive messages about your current life challenge. They may come directly after the meditation or later in the day. Be available to listen to your soul.

When first learning this mantra you may want to have this screen in view so that you can have eyes nearly closed but open enough to read and enunciate properly and clearly.

HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR —Go bin day

HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR —Moo kun day

HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR —Oo dar ay

HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR —Uh par ay

HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR —Har e ung

HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR —Car e ung

HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR —Nir na may

HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR —A ka may

Join us:

I generally put on a soothing alarm to go off after 12 minutes or play a 12-minute song. I then get myself into position in easy pose, hands in Gyan mudra, close eyes take a few deep breaths and then place my challenge in my heart and begin the chanting. Once the alarm goes off, I am sure to continue with the mantra until I finish “Akamay”