This meditation has 40 sounds, which together balance the 5 tattvas (air, water, fire, earth, and ether), the 7 chakras and the arch line. This mantra can penetrate into anything and help avoid misfortune. It has the power to break through any resistance or obstacles. It is sacred but it is not secret. This meditation was given by Yogi Bhajan to be successful during these challenging times and to deal with the intensity of the energy during the shift to the Aquarian Age.
This meditation was also given as a prosperity meditation. There is one basic requirement for prosperity and manifesting ‘You have to be home when the postman comes.’ In other words, you have to be grounded in your body on Planet Earth and not floating around in the ethers. Pumping your navel in this meditation can keep you present. But if you have any propensity for being ungrounded and spaced out while meditating and in life, then do this mediation in archer pose. 5-11 minutes on each side. You will become super present, strong, and magnetic. If you resist the thought, then this meditation in archer pose is for you!
Pump your navel center with each HAR. Be sure to touch the tip of the tongue to the upper palate when you are making the ‘R’ of HAR and the ‘N’ in the other mantras. The ‘R’ will the be enunciated correctly to stimulate the pineal and pituitary glands and awaken the frontal lobe and neutral mind.
Chant in a monotone, enunciating clearly each syllable. Do not mumble, move your mouth to make the sounds.
HAR is a manifesting mantra. The other eight mantras are aspects of the Divine. Chanting HAR before each aspect pulls that energy into our physical and subtle bodies.
HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR GOBINDE—Go bin day–Sustainer
HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR MUKUNDE—Moo kun day–Liberator
HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR UDARE—Oo dar ay–Enlightener
HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR APARE—Uh par ay–Infinite
HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR HARING—Har e ung–Destroyer
HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR KARING—Car e ung–Creator
HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR NIRNAME—Nir na may–Nameless
HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR AKAME—A ka may—Desireless
Although many times I experience a myriad of ideas and openings for my challenge during the process it is said it’s best to sit quietly when finished and feel the effects of the meditation in your physical body, aura, and radiant body. Consolidate, contain, and radiate love. Be available for intuitive messages about your current life challenge. They may come directly after the meditation or later in the day. Be available to listen to your soul.
When first learning this mantra you may want to have this screen in view so that you can have eyes nearly closed but open enough to read and enunciate properly and clearly.
HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR —Go bin day
HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR —Moo kun day
HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR —Oo dar ay
HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR —Uh par ay
HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR —Har e ung
HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR —Car e ung
HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR —Nir na may
HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR —A ka may
I generally put on a soothing alarm to go off after 12 minutes or play a 12-minute song. I then get myself into position in easy pose, hands in Gyan mudra, close eyes take a few deep breaths and then place my challenge in my heart and begin the chanting. Once the alarm goes off, I am sure to continue with the mantra until I finish “Akamay”